
Photo of the Month #2

Photo of the Month William Walker Hundeleine und Hundehalsbänder Hundeaccessoires Hafencity Hamburg Fotoshooting

This month it was almost impossible to commit to just one photo. Therefore we decided to make a photo series of the most beautiful images of our winter shooting.

Together with Patrick and the French bulldog Lucy we went to Hamburg's Hafencity in early February to capture some beautiful photos. There was still snow from the day before and so we had a beautiful white scenery.

It was our first time shooting with these two, but that was no problem, because they immediately got along and were a real dream team. It was Lucy's first shooting, but she handled it like a true professional. She definitely has the model look, don't you think? She also kept us laughing and kept the whole crew happy. We shot for about an hour. However, due to the freezing cold, the photo shoot couldn't be longer than an hour. Nonetheless in the end we had a successful outcome of more than 600 pictures. We would like to show you a small selection below.

How do you like the photos? Feel free to leave a comment telling us what you think of our dream team!

By William Walker

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