
Routine in dog education - the advantages and disadvantages of a structured daily dog routine

William Walker Lambrusco Set

William Walker Lambrusco Set Dogs

We humans are creatures of habit and so are our dogs! In the woods they know exactly which path we take together every day and when it's time for dinner their inner clock often gives an alarm right down to the minute. But how well do these regularities actually help our pups? And at what points does variety make sense? These are the questions we at William Walker want to get to the bottom of today.

Neurologically speaking routine is very healthy in your dog's life. However, as with us humans, the structured daily routine can sometimes be a bit soporific. As with almost everything in life the balance between routine and variety is key.

Time around the dog bowl and in the dog bed

A routine regarding your dog's sleeping and eating habits proves especially valuable. If your dog knows when it's time to sleep or eat, he'll generally be more balanced and relaxed in his daily routine. This way, his tiredness and also his digestion will adapt to your schedule and the daily routines will not cause stress. In addition, your dog will gorge less when eating if he knows exactly when his hunger is satisfied. Even small changes to the palate will give your beloved four-legged friend great pleasure. So the little snack in between becomes the highlight of the week. At bedtime he comes better to rest, if he does not have the feeling to miss out on something. Here you should also rely on a high-quality and durable dog bed, because the four-legged friend spends a lot of time here. Our William Walker Sleep Collection offers the right sleeping place for every dog for a restful and deep dog sleep!

Exceptions in routine feeding sick dogs

In terms of sleeping habits there are rarely exceptions. When it comes to feeding, however, illness can make for different rules. The dog's stomach produces acid, which helps digest food properly. Many dogs suffer from an overly acidic stomach and produce far too much of the stomach fluid just before feeding. So for dogs with heartburn, reflux and co. it makes sense to avoid a routine. By the way, a shot of oil over the dog food can help to pull the nutrients from the food and ensures a better digestibility in the dog's stomach. Our Linseed Oil "Lucky Love" and our Salmon Oil "Super Salmon" are particularly suitable.

Regular and varied walks with the dog

The morning and evening walk should always take place at the same time, as the digestion adjusts to the walk times. Since a dog only does his business 2 times a day in the best case, the midday walk can vary in its times or be replaced with indoor activities, such as mental training, due to bad weather. Time routine is of great advantage for the resting and waking periods for you and your dog - because no one probably likes to get up at night to let the dog out into the fresh air. However, where you go for a walk with your four-legged friend can be decided completely freely and with a view to as much variety as possible. In this way, every walk will give your dog great pleasure and will also have a great effect on his socialization. Therefore, it is only beneficial in dog training, if you take your faithful companion sometimes into the city, to the water or to work. Even anxious dogs benefit from the variety - because practice makes perfect.

Dog training should be routine

Whether at home, in the forest or in dog school. The dog should be trained regularly. Many people think this is only important in puppyhood and neglect the training once the dogs are educated. Most furry noses love and need the mental challenge and like to learn new things even in adulthood. Through regular repetition, what is learned can be better memorized, processed and implemented.

Expectation attitude in dog training

Of course routine also brings a certain level of expectation with it. Especially when it comes to dog training, the dog should be rewarded in different ways for good behavior. The expectation of always being rewarded with a treat can cause the dog to suddenly disobey if something is better than that treat. Working with tasty rewards is certainly helpful with puppies, but should be revised no later than young dog age. Your four-legged friend is often just as happy about a "Fine!", a petting or a subsequent play session instead of treats.

Love, love, love

Cuddle time, attention and love should of course not follow a schedule and are as often as possible and in all spontaneity for dog and man very beneficial!


By Louisa Knoll

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