WW Moments

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Interview mit Nicole Werth

Interview with Nicole Werth

Welcome to a new interview in our blog series Friends of William #friendsofwilliam. Here we regularly talk to exciting personalities who accompany, excite and inspire us. Today we are talking to N...



Our Photo of the month in June is from @wilde.wilma and her owner Paula. They sent us this great shot of their walk and impressed us with their cute partner look. June 2020 already brought tempera...

Hund beschäftigen

Tips for a well balanced dog

We all tend to get bored being in the same routine day in, day out. Your dog may feel the same way if you're not careful. Boredom is stress for your four-legged friend. Especially young and energet...

Interview mit Co-Gründer Alexander Vellguth zum Thema Design

Interview with Co-founder Alexander Vellguth

Welcome to a new article of our series Friends of William #friendsofwilliam Every day we receive dear messages that range from appreciative to euphoric about the design of William Walker products....

Tipps einer Hundebesitzerin

8 informazioni da parte di un proprietario di cani

Un cane cambia la tua vita. La arricchisce, la stravolge, e prima che tu te ne accorga, non riesci più a immaginarla senza il tuo pelosetto scodinzolante. Negli anni in cui sono stata proprietaria ...

Hundehygiene – so pflege ich meinen Hund richtig

Dog hygiene - this is how you care for your dog properly

The dog's coat is so much more than just for preventing the dog from the cold. It protects the sensitive dog skin from parasites, diseases, dirt and UV radiation. It has a natural protective l...