WW Moments

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William Walker Yorkshire Terrier

#friendsofwilliamwalker - Breed Profile Yorkshire Terrier

What exactly does "dog breed" mean? A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog b...

Sternzeichen Fische bei Hunden

Dogstrology - Zodiac signs of the dogs - the Pisces dog

The Zodiac Signs of Dogs - Astrology for Pets Many people believe in the power of astrology and use the stars as a guide, advisor and element of human knowledge. The star sign under which a person...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker Valentinstag - Wenn dein größter Verehrer vier Beine hat

Valentine's Day with a dog - when your biggest love has four legs

My dog, my Valentine - 4 ideas for a wonderful Valentine's Day with your four-legged friend Today is February 14. Love is celebrated in Germany and in many other countries around the world. The cl...

Weihnachten Hund Leder Hundehalsband

William Walker Christmas Story - How William and His Friends Saved Christmas

Many kilometers away, among huge icebergs in the midst of the wild snow flurry, a tall man with heavy boots trudged through the snow. His long red coat blew in the icy wind, icicles had formed in...

Gift Guide - Top 10 Geschenkideen für Hundebesitzer

William Walker Christmas Gift Guide - Top 10 Christmas Gift Ideas

Magical Christmas decorations, a tasty feast and family harmony - Christmas is full of beautiful traditions and customs. Personal gifts are also part of the very special Christmas magic. They symbo...

sollen hunde im Bett schlafen?

Dog in bed - top or flop?

The temperatures are getting colder, the trees are getting balder: Winter is here! As the Antarctic emperor penguins teach us, the best way to keep warm is to move very close together. So group c...