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Dachshund Nappaleder Kollektion

#friendsofwilliamwalker - Breed Profile Dachshund

What exactly does "dog breed" mean? A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog b...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker - Im tierischen Traumland - Was und wie träumen Hunde?

Inside Animal Dreamland - What and how do dogs dream?

Why you should not wake sleeping dogs? Exactly! Because you might just tear them out of their most beautiful dreams, because in fact dogs dream too! Scientists have been able to prove on the basi...


#friendsofwilliamwalker Dog Breed Profile Dalmatian

What exactly does "dog breed" mean? A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog b...

Dogstrologie - Sternzeichen der Hunde - der Zwillinge-Hund

Dogstrology - zodiac signs of the dogs - the Gemini dog

The Zodiac Signs of Dogs - Astrology for Pets Many people believe in the power of astrology and use the stars as a guide, advisor and element of human knowledge. The star sign under which a person...

Französische Bulldogge mit William Walker Hundehalsband und Hundeleine aus Leder

8 tips for dog photography - how to take the perfect photo of your dog

How to photograph your dog the right way - 8 tips Us dog lovers take a lot of photos of our four-legged friends. But to take an awesome shot can be very difficult. We always give ou...

Sind zwei Hunde besser als einer?

5 consigli per un secondo cane: doppia felicità o tanto lavoro?

Dovrei prendere un secondo cane? - 5 suggerimenti per aiutarti a decidere Queste zampe - adorabili. Questo muso - da baciare. Questi occhi - da sciogliersi. Ne voglio di più! Quasi ogni proprietar...