WW Moments

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Hund im Tierheim

Cuddling for good cause - 5 tips how you can get involved in the animal shelter

Life is beautiful - but we at William Walker are sure that it's even more beautiful with a dog by your side. A partner in crime who absolutely has what it takes to be your "Best Friend". He's loy...

Welpeneinzug was muss man beachten?

Puppies: Welcome home! 6 tips on how to make the puppy move in perfectly.

The moving in of my first own dog I remember our first contact as if it was yesterday. With the head first and 383 grams on the ribs, you were not only the fattest of the whole litter, no, for me ...

Französische Bulldogge

City paws - this is what life is like with a dog in the city center

This is how you can optimise your everyday life with a dog in a big city New York, Wien, London, Shanghai, Rom, Paris, Hamburg - the big cities are filled with pulsating life. None is like the oth...

#wwmomentsWilliamWalker Babyboom - so gelingt das Zusammenleben mit Baby und Hund

Baby boom - how to successfully live together with baby and dog

Baby and Dog - By following these 2 steps, your dog and your newborn will become a real dream team Just a moment ago he was "the kid in the house" and suddenly a new member enters the pack - ...

5 Tipps für mehr Nachhaltigkeit mit Hund - so verkleinere ich den ökologischen Pfotenabdruck

5 tips for a Sustainable life with a dog - how you reduce the ecological paw print

5 tips: Sustainable dog living - how to reduce the ecological paw print So, how are your New Year's resolutions going so far? Starting a new year with good intentions gives many people the feeling...

Dog paw care in Winter for healthy dog paws

Paw care for dogs in winter - this is what you should pay attention to!

Good paw care in winter is essential for the health of your four-legged friend, but unfortunately this is often underestimated by owners. Snow and slippery roads with road salt, grit and similar s...