
#friendsofwilliamwalker - Breed Profile German Shepherd

William Walker Deutscher Schäferhund

What exactly does "dog breed" mean?

A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog breeds listed and thus recognized. The cynological umbrella organization assigns the dog breeds to different groups and sections based on their appearance and nature. There are 10 FCI groups, including, among others, FCI Group 1: Herding Dogs & Cattle Dogs or FCI Group 3: Terriers.

The choice of dog breed - which dog suits me?

To deal with the different dog breeds is crucial for us humans especially when we want to get a new four-legged friend. Which dog suits me? That is the most important question when buying a dog. It does not always have to be a purebred puppy, because even in the case of mixed breeds from the shelter, the various breed combinations give us information about whether the dog will be very large, for example, or possibly has a hunting instinct. However, not only the breed and its characteristics determine the development and behavior of the four-legged friend, but also the education and socialization.

The German Shepherd - a loyal companion for all life situations

William Walker German Shepherd

  • Weight: 25-40 kg
  • Height (Shoulder): 55-65 cm
  • Ø Life expectancy: 9-13 years
  • Fur colors: black, brown, gray, red-brown, monochrome and multicolor
  • Breed assignment: FCI Group 1 - Herding and Cattle Dogs

History of the German Shepherd

The German Shepherd Dog has been bred according to plan since 1899, and since then has held its place at the top of the popularity scale of dog breeds worldwide. Its country of origin, as the name suggests, is Germany. The founder of the German Shepherd Dog Association, Max von Stephanitz, had the intention to breed a powerful, reliable and intelligent dog.

Character/Nature - intelligent detective nose and attentive watchdog

Everyone knows him, the police dog with the sleuthing nose - Inspector Rex. A German Shepherd as he is in the book: self-confident, attentive, strong, persistent, intelligent, loyal and with a big heart. A well-behaved German Shepherd is a friend and helper for life. He likes to take on small tasks, like fetching the newspaper or carrying light bags. Due to their strong but agile build, coupled with a keen sense of detection and high intelligence, they can be used as rescue and therapy dogs, as well as service and protection dogs. However, they are equally well suited as loyal protectors of the family and are usually attentive and affectionate when dealing with children.

Education - the German Shepherd needs challenges

Dog school is an absolute must. Education should be very consistent and intense. Patience, some dog experience and assertiveness are very important when raising a German Shepherd. He is very eager to learn and loves to be mentally challenged. The German Shepherd enjoys training and likes to take on new challenges.

Holding - your German Shepherd wants to go for walks and needs free running

The German Shepherd is an active dog and regular walks with a lot of exercise are elementary for a balanced nature. He wants to run, sniff and explore. Swimming, cycling, jogging, dog sports with parkour are a pleasure for the German Shepherd. However, play sessions that involve a lot of sprinting, braking and jumping should be avoided, as the large dogs are prone to arthritis and other joint problems. Also tricks like "roll" are better to avoid with German Shepherds, as they are prone to gastric torsion. Therefore, it is also very important to include rest periods after meals for digestion. At home, the smart giant can be wonderfully occupied with intelligence games. Company is very important to him and also intensive cuddling and stroking should not be missing with the stately fur noses. The apartment should offer enough space so that the dog also has a place of retreat and comes after an exciting day properly to rest.

Fashion tip for the German Shepherd

The active dogs are on the move a lot. They explore, they swim, they play and run. Collars and leashes should be accordingly robust, washable and uncomplicated to use. Therefore, our stylish Dog Collar Royal made of durable paracord with matching leash is particularly suitable for the German Shepherd. With a neck circumference of 50 - 60 cm, the German Shepherd needs size XL.


By Louisa Knoll

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