WW Moments

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Dogstrologie - Sternzeichen der Hunde - der Waage-Hund

Dogstrology - Zodiac signs of the dogs - the Libra dog

Many people believe in the power of astrology and use the stars as a guide, advisor and element of knowledge of human nature. The zodiac sign under which a person was born can reveal exciting deta...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker Ungleiche Freunde - Wenn Hund und Katze die besten Freunde sind

Unequal Friends - When Cat and Dog become best Friends

Sometimes it only takes one thing in common to forget the big and obvious differences between two individuals. For us humans it is often common interests, passions, experiences or even concerns ...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker Geburtstagsparty für deinen Hund Rezepte

The perfect Birthday Party for your Dog

The birthday of your beloved dog is coming up? That's worth a little party, a real dog party if you will! Because like all other members of the family, the birthday of your four-legged friend is...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker Hamburg Ähnlichkeiten von Hund und Hundebesitzer Partnerlook

Why dog owners often look similar to their dog

Does my dog really look like me? Is it the drooping cheeks or is it the stoic facial expression that makes this fatal resemblance between Edgar and his male St. Bernard, Sam? And doesn't Lisa have...

#wwmomentsHunde Sternzeichen

Dogstrology - dog zodiac signs - the Virgo dog

The Zodiac Signs of Dogs - Astrology for Pets Many people believe in the power of astrology and use the stars as a guide, advisor and element of knowledge of human nature. The zodiac sign under wh...

#wwmomentsDachshund Nappaleder Kollektion

#friendsofwilliamwalker - Breed Profile Dachshund

What exactly does "dog breed" mean? A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog b...